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Sinew Bowstring
i make two ply strings i just pay attention to thickness rather than how many strands like rdb said
Just a word of caution and I know this is old news to some of you.I read quite awhile back about the dangers of chewing sinew.There was a discussion about contracting some of the deseases and parasites from Elk,Deer.I quit chewing it myself ans started soaking it in warm water.
--- Quote from: jamie on August 10, 2007, 07:00:21 pm ---i make two ply strings i just pay attention to thickness rather than how many strands like rdb said
--- End quote ---
Does that mean that you comb your sinew into strands/threads (bundle on the right side of the pic) and then take as many strands as you need for each of the two plys until you reach the thickness you need for each ply?
Example pic #1
Two ply string composed of 5 strands for each ply
Example pic #2
Two ply string from the pic above, reverse wrapped composed of 5 strands for each ply.
Is it like this how you make your bow string?
Justin Snyder:
You got it, but you need to staggar the ends of the five strands. That is how you keep strength at the splice. If the string starts to get thinner, not necessarily at the end of a strand, add another piece. Now none of your ends will match, and the string will be strong at the splice. If you leave the ends even, you will have to start 5 or 6 new strands an inch before you end the first. Then it will have a big bump in the string.That is also why you hear people saying they are constantly adding another strand. Justin
what he said
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