It's not fibery or anything, it's a hard sinew backing, but the only thing is it's white. It's the craziest thing. I have had a bow's sinew go white--ish on me before, but that was after like a year of shooting and abusing. Hotboxing in my van in the summer sun and whatnot. This is just crazy. It's definitely dry. Usually a sinew backing for me even with one layer will take around 3 - 4 days to a week to stop having squishy parts or parts that you can tell from the tone of color are not dry yet like the sinew around the edges. This time it was dry and hard as a rock by the second morning, and I used two layers. Things I did differently this time that I don't usually do:
- I didn't let the sinew soak in pan of water before sinewing, instead I ran them under hot water for a minute in the sink before gluing.
- I was a bit more thorough with squeezing out excess glue of the bundles before laying them down.
- I didn't add a layer of glue over the completed backing this time.
Things that could also be a problem:
- I never degrease the sinew before hand, I just wash with hot water as good as I can 3 or 4 times.
- This sinew I broke out from some cattle leg tendons that were being sold as dog chews.

(To note, I have I used them twice now with not problems).
What the heck went wrong?
Edit: Robustous, the sinew is not sticking out or anything. It was one complete backing, and I also added a thin layer of some sinew glue I cooked up to try to remedy it yesterday, rubbed it in with some warm water to try to melt the glue on top a bit, but it was still white when it dryed. It has been (maybe only 3 days) and it is completely dry with no squish. It dried alot faster than usual.