Author Topic: Sinew glue-a-long help  (Read 19289 times)

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Offline osage outlaw

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #30 on: February 16, 2012, 02:51:12 pm »
Thanks.  I'll freeze 2 and try to dry 1.  I was recently given a small deep freeze that sits in the garage not being used.  Maybe I'll turn that into my supply freezer  ;D  Is it better to store processed sinew in the freezer?
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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #31 on: February 16, 2012, 02:58:11 pm »
Thanks.  I'll freeze 2 and try to dry 1.  I was recently given a small deep freeze that sits in the garage not being used.  Maybe I'll turn that into my supply freezer  ;D  Is it better to store processed sinew in the freezer?

It's nice and dry, just keep it away from the dog.
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Offline osage outlaw

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #32 on: February 16, 2012, 02:59:09 pm »

JW, I would love to see a how-to on your sinewing technique.  Do you keep the piece of glass wet while you are doing it?

IF I was going to the Tennessee Classic and IF someone was there to take good photos and IF someone had a bow they wanted sinewed, it's possible we could collaborate on an article for PA Magazine.   >:D

JW, I have been tossing around the idea of a very short sinew backed osage bow.  IF you were there, I could bring a camera, sinew, and a piece of osage.
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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #33 on: February 16, 2012, 03:02:22 pm »

JW, I would love to see a how-to on your sinewing technique.  Do you keep the piece of glass wet while you are doing it?

IF I was going to the Tennessee Classic and IF someone was there to take good photos and IF someone had a bow they wanted sinewed, it's possible we could collaborate on an article for PA Magazine.   >:D

JW, I have been tossing around the idea of a very short sinew backed osage bow.  IF you were there, I could bring a camera, sinew, and a piece of osage.

That's too bad.  Because if I was to even think about trying to go, then the Fates would conspire to prevent it from happening.   >:D
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Offline MWirwicki

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #34 on: February 16, 2012, 03:12:07 pm »
I intend to bring my hide glue and sinew to Twin Oaks for sinewing demonstrations.  I was speaking to Gary Davis last night and we both thought it might be a good idea.  I'll have bows to sinew.  I thought we'd get PA involved, as well.  I did an article for a German magazine a while back. 
Matt Wirwicki
Owosso, MI

Offline HoBow

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #35 on: February 16, 2012, 06:02:26 pm »
I intend to bring my hide glue and sinew to Twin Oaks for sinewing demonstrations.  I was speaking to Gary Davis last night and we both thought it might be a good idea.  I'll have bows to sinew.  I thought we'd get PA involved, as well.  I did an article for a German magazine a while back.

Maybe the humidity and rain (and it will rain!) will stay away long enough for a demonstration  >:D 
Jeff Utley- Atlanta GA

Offline Gus

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #36 on: February 16, 2012, 06:59:29 pm »
I have a question about the materials used to make glue: Hide, Tendon, Snake Skin...

It all has to be Dried (No Salt?) prior to re-hydrating and cooking, correct?

Thank You.

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Offline Keenan

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #37 on: February 16, 2012, 08:27:11 pm »
Clint that looks great. I have a dedicated "man" freezer with hides skins and all the other stuff Lulyn doesn't want in our main freezer.

Offline DV IN MN

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #38 on: February 16, 2012, 09:17:10 pm »
JW is right about the drying. I ruined my last batch. I cut into squares and ran fishing line through and just hung it up and the glue slid down one square on top of the other, it was humid and summer all of the squares got mold. I have dryed it successfully also. Cut in 1 in squares and dried on line and seperated and fanned. Dried really nice and stored the dried squares in a zip lock bag. I had that batch for 10+ years.

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #39 on: February 16, 2012, 09:36:16 pm »
I cubed it up and put it in front of a fan all afternoon.  I brought it to work tonight.  I'm going to put it in front of the fan in my office.  I plan on doing this everyday until its dry.  Thanks for all the help guys.
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Offline Bevan R.

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #40 on: February 16, 2012, 09:54:48 pm »
Anybody ever try it in a dehydrator? I have one that goes from 90 to 160. I was thinking that might be a way to go.
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Offline osage outlaw

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #41 on: February 16, 2012, 10:03:21 pm »
I think it would melt it.  Maybe it would work after they were partially dry. 

Good news!  I was spreading the little cubes out in front of the fan and my fingers started sticking together  :D  At least I know it is sticky.  I think I actually made some glue :)
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Offline soy

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #42 on: February 17, 2012, 12:16:39 am »
I think it would melt it.  Maybe it would work after they were partially dry. 

Good news!  I was spreading the little cubes out in front of the fan and my fingers started sticking together  :D  At least I know it is sticky.  I think I actually made some glue :)
Congratulations on glue...just don't do any paperwork with sticky fingers >:D
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Offline toomanyknots

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #43 on: February 17, 2012, 04:25:08 pm »
Good thread here.  I won't address the making of the glue because you all have that covered.  As for the cracking of the glue once it is on your bow, I'll address that. 

In my experience, it has nothing to do with the quality of the glue or how you processed it.  It is a meter of how much glue you are using when applying the sinew bundles to the back of the bow.  First, the glue doesn't have to be Aunt Jemima syrup, thick.  When it is, it will set up faster causing your "glue balls".   Second, apply a very thin coat of hide glue to the bow back and allow to soak in slightly prior to applying any bundles to bow.  This is called, sizing.  Then, dip your bundle of sinew into the hide glue and squeegee off the bundle between your fingers removing excess glue.  Apply the bundles to the back of the bow as though you were shingling a roof, alternating bundles so as not to have a continuous seam across the bow limb.  The key to reducing the cracking is reducing the amount of glue.  There is a tendency to use too much glue and it is not necessary.  I've also seen some bowyers fill voids between sinew bundles with hide glue to get an even appearance.  This will also cause the cracks in your finished product.  Keeping a moist towel (not your wife's monogrammed his/her towel) near you to wipe your fingers between each bundle, helps with the "tar and feather" syndrome.

Sinewing is something that takes a bit of practice.  You'll get better at it as you discover your own little tricks.

Agreed - also don't make it too thick as this can also cause the ominous creaks/cracks.

Thank you guys, this is what I was wantin to know! I got a batch cookin right now, hoping it will turn out much better. The glue looks great osage outlaw. Thanks for letting me ask question in your thread.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 04:35:45 pm by toomanyknots »
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 the upper part is pressed down,
 the lower part is raised up,
 the part that has too much is reduced,
 the part that has too little is increased."

- Tao Te Ching, 77, A new translation by Victor H. Mair

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: Sinew glue-a-long help
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2012, 05:52:55 pm »
No problem, I hope your glue turns out good  :)  I have been keeping my glue chunks in front of a fan and they are drying out.  I like this glue making stuff.  I have a half of a tanned wildabeast hide with some bare spots on it.  Could I cut those areas out and make glue from that or does it have to be rawhide?

The glue is almost dry

I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left