Author Topic: Osage Log 65" Long  (Read 1150 times)

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Offline nlester

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Osage Log 65" Long
« on: February 11, 2012, 10:11:18 pm »
I cut two logs of hedge that were from a fallen tree behind my house. I'm fortunate enough to have a hedge row full of old growth osage. This is one of the logs split up into staves. Out of a piece 65" long, I got 9 staves.

If I had more knowledge about splitting a belly stave, I could probably get another 4 or 5 out of this pile. Not the greatest haul in the world, but not bad for one log....and I've got another one to go. FYI, I'm not trying to make the guys jealous that don't have access to osage. :)