misslemaster wins January Self BOM with his hickory sapling bow!!!!
Congratulations to misslemaster from Harvar, IL for winning January Self BOM contest!!!
http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php/topic,30220.0.html misslemaster’s hickory sapling bow
Here's what misslemaster had to say about his bow: Hey guys, just finnished this one up. Its from a hickory sapling 1 3/8"in diameter. One limb had that side view profile and the other was very close, so I heat tempered the whole works at the same time making it more symetrical. 59" NTN, 1 1/4" to mid limb then to 7/16" nocks. Finnished out at 48# @ 28" and shoots very well with almost no sound. The coloring is black rit dye over green rit dye mixed with rubbing alcohol. 7coats of tung oil with 2 coats of finnishing wax. thanks fer gawkin. Cody
Here are some of the comments from forum members:
Very nice. i like the dye job, Steve
Looks good from here, I bet it'll thump a whitetail for sure! TRACY F
This is an outstanding bow. Great tiller, and nice finish work on the tips and the dye. It shows that you put a lot of care into this. rossfactor
That is one sexy hickory stick! very nice. Pat B
I love sapling bows.
This is no exception. sharpend60
Very nice bow all the way around! I have to agree with Pat she is a sexy one! Love the stain job and full draw! Elktracker
Gorgeous bow with sweet lines!!!!! TurtleCreek
Great job on that bow.
Its not easy to dress up a Hickory bow but you've done it here. gmc