Author Topic: Have an idea.... Tell me what you think...  (Read 2324 times)

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Offline Ifrit617

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Have an idea.... Tell me what you think...
« on: February 09, 2012, 08:32:04 pm »
Hey everyone,

I was looking at some vids on YouTube the other day and an idea popped into my head. As a bowyer, I think I speak for everyone on this forum when I say that I love to see other peoples work. i love looking at bow pictures and listening to bow stories. I also love to watch archery related videos. So here is my rough idea... Please comment, shoot it down, and add your thoughts, ect.

I am thinking that it would be cool to start a P.A. youtube channel, where people could post shooting videos of their favorite bows or maybe some build alongs. I know that some on here have their own channels, but I think it would be cool to have a generic channel for bowyers on this sight.  I was thinking that a member could set up a new single account and give the account info to the mods, who could regulate who could upload a video to the channel. If you wanted to upload a video, you could simply PM the mod, who would give you the channel info, and you could post your video.

This is a rough idea of something that I think would help to expand the wealth of knowledge on this site, and add another resource to the growing world of wooden bow making.  Again please tell me what ya'll think....


Offline JBR

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Re: Have an idea.... Tell me what you think...
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2012, 09:50:13 pm »
Pictures are great.  Videos are even better.   I'd be for the idea.
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Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Have an idea.... Tell me what you think...
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2012, 10:04:04 pm »
Making and editing videos is a fair bit of work.  I think it's a great idea but I'm not sure how many takers you'll get to put out that level of effort.  People who like to do it will, the rest of the people might not.  Posting pictures is way easier for sure.  I do like the idea, don't get me wrong.

St Paul, TX

Offline Ifrit617

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Re: Have an idea.... Tell me what you think...
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2012, 10:44:16 pm »
Couldn't agree more with you George I have made and edited a number of lengthy videos and I know how much work is involved.. I was think more of a 2 minute or so video of a favorite bow and take a couple shots with it.... No editing required... My main thought for something like this would be to give people an idea of how various bows and styles and woods performed... It's a lot easier to see that in a 2 minute clip than reading the stats off a page... Really just looking for intrest now...


Offline mullet

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Re: Have an idea.... Tell me what you think...
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2012, 12:44:04 am »
I like the idea, but the guys that are producing the good, quality, videos have their own sites, like Patrick, Jimmy and Billy, and also have their own thing going. Other then those three, there hasn't been many other videos. Sorry, if I left any out but those are the ones that come to mind .
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Have an idea.... Tell me what you think...
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2012, 10:47:59 am »
I have found from watching a number of these types of youtube videos that a very few people have a good screen presence, the Jimmy Blackmons of the video world are few and far between.

Most are really boring to watch no matter what information they are trying to put forth.

Offline BearG

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Re: Have an idea.... Tell me what you think...
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2012, 11:11:13 am »
Love to watch the videos, however I cant even upload pics for some reason.
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Offline Ifrit617

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Re: Have an idea.... Tell me what you think...
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2012, 03:07:18 pm »
I guess there is not a whole lot of interest..  just an idea i guess...


Offline gstoneberg

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Re: Have an idea.... Tell me what you think...
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2012, 03:49:19 pm »
I've been thinking a lot about it Jon.  I watched about 90 minutes of knapping videos last night, the knapper was making a Dalton.  One huge problem with video is that the audience has wildly varying needs.  This guy started with a thin preform.  Up until a month ago all of those video's would've been worthless to me because I couldn't make a thin preform.  As it was, I wanted to see how he was preparing his platforms for pressure flaking and had to watch through 4 parts of the video before he took the time to to show in detail his platform prep.  That's because he wanted to show a specific type of platform prep and he had to do 50% of the pressure flaking before he got to what he wanted to show.  I almost gave up in disgust and suddenly he did exactly what I wanted and showed it over and over.  If I hadn't hung in for the 30 or 40 minutes of video before it I would have missed it.  I'd have preferred to see the platform prep earlier but it didn't matter to him then.  That's another problem with video like we're talking about, the videographer is making the video for a specific reason.  And that's why I think your idea for short clips makes good sense.  If they were named correctly you could create a whole library of 5min videos and a person could just watch what they need at the time. 

Another of our problems is that the people who are the real experts are from a generation that sat with the experts before them to learn.  They aren't used to making videos and posting them for the next generation that learns in a new way.  And don't get me wrong, sitting with an expert is still the best way to learn.  I'm just suggesting there's another block of possible converts to our wonderful hobby that could be taught another way than we were.  Dang, suddenly I'm feeling real old.

All that to say I think it's a good idea.  Somebody with a video camera ought to go to the Classic and capture short clips of bowyers and knappers doing what they do best along with their description of why they do it.  I don't think I can make it to the classic, but I would certainly help edit videos.

St Paul, TX

Offline Cameroo

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Re: Have an idea.... Tell me what you think...
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2012, 04:20:01 pm »
I think that a video can often get one's point across much better than words or pictures.  There may not be a huge demand for this idea, but I think there are definitely people that would use it.  I don't think that people would expect Spielberg-type productions.  If you don't like someone's style, just stop watching the video :)

I also realize that a large portion of PA's members are on dial-up, so it would likely be useless for them. 

George - I see where you're coming from about some people not having the ability to make videos to teach their techniques, but it could also be useful for people that are just learning, to get feedback on their methods and whatnot.  Even videos of someone flexing their in-progress bows would probably allow for better advice to be given.

I guess it comes down to how much work will have to go into administrating this, and will it be worth while.

Another idea might be to have a section created on the forum just for people to post links to their own videos.  Just throwing that out there...

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Have an idea.... Tell me what you think...
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2012, 05:49:12 pm »
You can see alot of these types of videos on paleo tube.