Hi everybody haven't posted here in a long time but I'm always reading and amazed at the bows you all make well I just started trying to make some and was being stubborn wanting to do it with out help but my first attempt blew up on me which was a white ash I'm now working on this one

It's hop hornbeam and is 60" ntn 1 3/4" wide to about half the limb length then tapers to 1/2" the lower limb is an inch shorter than the top. I think I've got the tiller pretty good but would like your input here is a pic strung at full brace

The distance from limb to string on the lower limb is an 1/8" less than the top limb which I think is ok it's the same on my fiberglass backed bow. Well here is a pic of it pulled to 16"

And here it is at 18"

Well I think its looking pretty good but there is a few things messing with me. The bottom limb which is on the left has a slight reflex coming off the handle and the top limb deflexes off the handle when unstrung the other thing is when I flipped the tips I got the top limb a little sharper of a curve. I know the pics aren't real good but I hope there good enough if not I can try a better background. Well please critique and tell me what you think. Thanks Mike