I can take a run around town and track some down if you like, i wouldnt mind gettin a bottle myself 
Matt that would be great, i just bought a tonne of clamps today and yesterday took the draw knife to a hhb log in my dads basement, the log has been sitting for some time down there. Im gonna try heat bending some curve into it. gonna try for a five curve, im pretty sure that stave wont last long, feels soggy when i was working it. but id rather work on it then ruin a good stave, more of an experiment than anything. Oh and what was the name of that lumber yard you got that purple heart log from again?
you can order tru-oil from threeriversarchery.com.tung oil you can get from most hardware stores.both work great.hope this helps,Steve
And Steve, I found some oil today to at the hardware store, i haven't tried 3rivers, because the other place wouldn't ship it international because its flammable.
And thanks everyone else for the tips and advice, I totally forgot about this post