Cool points, Bob. I had to finish my slim jims before I could reply.
One paleo science guy on that radio story talked about the sculls of the neandrathols, and one reason for the thick skull and lowered brow, if I recall right, was that they could breath the super cold air of their environments.
Bet they never booked vacations in Cancun, eh?
I hate the throwaway society we live in to, and try and save things by repairing them. But cars, refrigerators, computers, all those things are designed with a certain short life expectancy. When future archeologists dig at ancient 21st century sites, they will have great collections of cell phones and food wrappers for their museums,

Hey, if I have evolved to the point where I have bionic implants, I can simply dodge your quaint, ancient atlatl darts! Ha. Evolution rules.