Author Topic: Carp skin backing interest, making a list..(Pics for madcrow added)  (Read 38112 times)

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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #105 on: March 11, 2012, 05:39:00 am »
Currently prepping the batches of skins for Mullet and mad crow....  Osage outlaw is up next.  Great 2 days of fishing: 10 common carp and 1 big mouth buffalo.  Things are startin' to pick up!

Offline Keenan

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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #106 on: March 11, 2012, 01:38:53 pm »
Saw a clip last night from the "Only in America" Show "Larry the cable guy"  was helping s fish processing place netting Carp. The showed and huge net full of really big carp. My thoughts were instantly thinking we should give Larry a call for a follow up story! >:D >:D


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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #107 on: March 11, 2012, 03:13:47 pm »
I will have to check that one out!!


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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #108 on: March 12, 2012, 08:19:49 am »
No longer taking names at this time.  However, once the list is complete, I will post the skins as I get them.

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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #109 on: March 14, 2012, 07:46:54 am »
Got mine and they look great...however I belive that you shuld change your handle to duct tape  ;D what a lot of work you must go through .packing,shipping ,and product are all above the call of duty!!!man i hate to see you wrap christmas gifts (heavy taper) >:D just having fun ...thanks a million realy am more than happy. ;)

Is this bow making a sickness? or the cure...


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Re: Carp skin backing interest, making a list of those that would like some.
« Reply #110 on: March 14, 2012, 08:13:16 am »
Glad to hear you're happy with them....  and yes, I got carried away with the duct tape on the packaging, but I was out of my usual shrink wrap so it was duct tape to the rescue!!!  Here's a pic of Mullet's batch of skins, just got done descaling them, smoothing them out, and they are in front of the fan drying.  Will take about a day to get them fully dry and then a wipe down or two with rubbing alcohol to help remove some of the oils and they will be good to go.  Hope ya like em' Mullet!!!!!

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WOW! those are some neat colors. Thanks a lot, Ryan.
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  That's the way they look when they are still wet and on the cardboard...  when they dry and you take them off the board, they will be slightly transparent(barely) so you can tweak the appearance of them slightly by the color of what you glue them to.  As an experiment you might want to try, take the two boards that they will be shipped between and stain or dye each side of each board a different shade or color and then once the stain or dye dries completely, lay the skin on the board and see what it looks like with the one color underneath it, then try the next, and so on.  It will give you an idea of what base color will make the skins look the best.  There's a lot of possibilities!!!!  You can also sand them slightly to thin them out and to make them more pliable as they usually end up being about the thickness of the plastic on a milk jug(sometimes slightly thicker.  If you have seen Keenan's carp/sinew backed juniper, I believe he just put them right over the sinew back without dying or staining the limb surface, and with just the color of the dried sinew back- those skins look awesome, Keenan definitely knows how to make those skins look the best!


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  The warmer water temps are here!!!!!  I will be on the river this friday and will hopefully be up to my neck with carp as they are starting to stack up in higher numbers!!!  Osage outlaw and JW are up!!!!!


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The status of the list has been updated on page 4 of this post

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I can't wait :)
I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left


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I should definitely have a boomer of a day with the carp tomorrow, the best weather yet!!!!


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Re: Carp skin backing interest
« Reply #117 on: March 19, 2012, 02:22:58 pm »
  Things have slowed a bit due to a much needed home improvement and a car accident, but I will be back at it within the next couple of days.  I apologize for any delays.

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Heck TC, No Worries...

I just hope Everyone is Okay!
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Home improvement sounds like a good idea.   The car accident sounds scary... I hope everyone came out OK!     Ron
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