A few3 months ago I ordered a couple stainless Bowie blades so I could make up a couple finished knives for me and my 2 boys. The more I looked at the blade the less I liked the "bright & shiny" look of it so I heated it up and took a ball peen to it for some distressing. Then I did some battery & vinager sessions with it and then heated it back up and quenched it.
I had this nice piece of Elk antler and decided to use it for the handle...drill was a chore as it was pithy and the bit wanted to walk a lot, especially for the length of the hole needed but nothing a couple more stout bits, chisels and files couldn't handle. I scored the tang, mixed up some epoxy with antler dust and pounded the handle onto the blade and let dry. This afternoon I filed the antler flesh with the guard and then applied some antiquing affects. Wiped it down with mink oil paste and buffed it out and bingo...a Bowie I can feel proud to carry

Next I need top work up a rawhide lined braintanned buckskin sheath for it...think I will try a little beadwork and see how it turns out.
Thanks for looking~