The truth is I give away all of my best bows, one way or another. The eight or nine left on my rack are not near my finest work, but shoot good. I finished up Ruddys bow for the TG trade and got cracking on a stave Matt Wiricki swapped me. Correct me if Im wrong Matt, its an oldie from 1994-96 I think? The below pics are on the brink of floor tillering and still can be whatever I want in draw weight and draw length. Its 64" ttt prior to bending the 9" tips in. The limbs are 1 3/4" out 12" from the fades then straight taper to 3/4" for now. I plan on 7/16'ish when Im done. As it stands now it has about 4" of reflex. The veneers on the handle and tips are mesquite and osage lams about .060 thick each. Im not a fancy pants bow builder usually, but the stave was thin there and had to be built up. So I went all fancy on it

!The stave is clean as a whistle and quite straight now. This one is staying on my rack when she is done! Its JUST FOR ME! this time!......................................................................or maybe I should just set it aside to be finished for my PA swap bow......hmmmmm.......

? What do you guys thinks I should do? Sure is a fine blank just sitting there hollaring to be finished.