So you guys are saying that buckthorn is a good bow wood? In my home town here in northern michigan
they are building a new Manard's hardware store it took them years to get a permit as the DEQ had designated the area as wetlands.
The construction site was covered in shruby trees that I always thought were tag alders, BTW I grew up playing in this area.
Anyway I was talking to one of project engineers and he said the trees were buckthorn an invasive species that escaped peoples
yards and such. Don't know the species possibly R. cathartica, now that I think about it, it looks more like R. frangula glossy buckthorn.
A quote from wikpedia
The Purging Buckthorn or Common Buckthorn

. cathartica) is a widespread European native species, in the past used as a purgative, though its toxicity makes this a very risky herbal medicine and it is no longer used. Introduced into the United States as a garden shrub, this has become an invasive species in many areas there.
If this stuff is any good there are acres and acres of it

What do ya think guys?