Author Topic: Plains Warshirt  (Read 3244 times)

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Offline stickbender

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Re: Plains Warshirt
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2012, 02:35:44 am »

     Excellent shirt Bryce, and like they said it is good to use another material, before you take a chance on ruining a good hide.  Uwe, I was going to ask if you used Porcupine quills, or soda straws in place of quills.  The only "porky" I have seen was in eastern Montana, and it was huge!  I never knew that they got that big!  I had seen smaller ones on TV but this is the first one I had seen in the wild.  I don't know about health of the porcupine population, but I know they still sell the quills in fishing shops, for use as bobbers, or line floats, unless they're imports, or farm raised.  I know that the porcupines were not too well appreciated up north for the damage they did to trees, and not liked at all in hunting camps, for the damage they would do to anything that had salt on it, like boots, gloves, axe, and hammer handles, etc.  Beautiful job sir, as always.       