Author Topic: warbow break?  (Read 4707 times)

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Offline Dazv

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warbow break?
« on: October 04, 2011, 01:24:11 pm »
Hi guys

has anyone ever had a warbow blow up on them if so what was it like??? Im sure it was be scary as hell when ive had 40-50lb bows blow up on me ive nearly sh#t my self.


Offline RyanY

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Re: warbow break?
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2011, 02:13:50 pm »
I've heard of guys having breaks and getting injured pretty bad. I was once tillering a warbow that was 130#. While standing and pulling it on my tiller tree the rope I used for my system snapped on me and I flew backwards. Got scraped up a bit. It's a lot of energy to work with so it can definitely cause some damage.

Offline adb

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Re: warbow break?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2011, 04:09:26 pm »
I had a 100+# warbow explode on the tiller tree. The outer 1/3rd of one limb completely separated at full draw. It was an ash backed osage glue-up. The piece flew up and put a big dent in the metal shelf above my tiller tree. I've never had an osage stave completely separate like that before. Yikes.
When bows fail dramatically, it's usually in tension, and most of the energy (and bits of shrapnel) fly forward, away from the shooter. However, if a tip breaks off, especially the top tip, you often get it in the head.
So, when tillering heavy bows, now I wear safety glasses.  8)

Offline druid

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Re: warbow break?
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2011, 05:33:03 pm »
I will maybe have exploding warbow in the next few days. My 140# sanguinea is almost done but I am not sure if it will survive full draw, it seems I ask too much of it.

Offline CraigMBeckett

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Re: warbow break?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2011, 07:00:23 am »
Had a 100lb Wattle bow go on me at about full draw, it broke mid way up the upper limb because of grain that ran off at that point, the result was rather surprising because one momet I was holding a bow the next both bits were on the ground, not even sure how the longer piece, which I was gripping, came out of my hand. In all I suppose I was lucky, the bow did not disintergrate, no splinters flying everywhere and both pieces missed me, so all in all it seemed to be a gentle thing, probably was not, but at the time it seemed so. The bow had been in use for a few months and was at that time my favourite.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 07:03:39 am by CraigMBeckett »

Offline Ironmonger

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Re: warbow break?
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2011, 01:43:14 pm »
Just had my first warbow project blow up on the tree. Had developed a splinter in the boo back and then blew up. On to the next one now.
Sure I can pull that bow, can you?

Offline Steve H

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Re: warbow break?
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2012, 09:18:11 pm »
Yep been there got the t shirt

Had a 130lb yew war bow explode on me at full draw.  The nock failed and the whole lower limb broke into multiple pieces with everything ending up about 8ft away including the top limb. I never felt the the pieces leave my hand and apparently I just stood there dumb founded. The others I was shooting with said afterwards that it was quite spectacular to watch.

I have a friend who had a 60lb bow go in the same fashion and ended up completely out cold for around 15 minutes.

I hope never to repeat the experience it was a shame as it was one of the best shooting sweetest bows I have ever owned and was a privilege to shoot