Dry heating to bend bows is new to me but in an earlier post I was told dry wood dry heat. Green wood steam. This made good sense to me like ah ha! moment type sense. So far from what I've done which is not much this seems to work well. Now for my question I've noticed it seems like I see people heating the belly side of the bow when reflexing. In my wood expereince heat shrinks the wood fiber where steam swells the wood fiber. Consiquently when I steam I work from the long side of the bend and dry heat on the inside of the bend. That way I'm not working against the naturale effects of the kind of heat I'm using. Is this correct or do you think it matters at all?
Please excuse the length of this post but one more thing
I have noticed talk of working the stave down some and then putting it away to dry a couple more weeks, then repeating the process until the bow is finished. Is this correct? Does it work with all wood? Does it speed cure time? does it have an adverse effect? O.K. crap thats alot of qestions sorry
Just down to my last to cured staves in whitch both are spoken for and I want to put out two more bows by summer at minimum(wife and Dad need new bows I think)
Thanks Hugh.