I had to check out a piece of property I hadn't been on snce 1977, thousands of acres. it was a Petting Zoo back then and looked like it hadn't changed any. I was getting ready to open a gate and go into a huge pasture when something caught my eye. When I glassed it I saw that it was 27 hogs grazing like cattle. And farther down was another group with 41. I went into the pasture and they didn't pay any attention to me

. So,, I tought I'd check on them up close on the way out

I started cruising across the field towards them and the big group trotted off but the smaller bunch kept feeding. By the time I got to within 75 yds I was running close to 60mph and then they started scattering. I ended up clipping two in the head, no meat damaged and jumped out and caught the little black one.
After I left I saw some tourist parked on the highway looking at another group that looked to have at least a hundred in it. Never see them in the middle of the day acting stupid when you're hunting.
Looks like the F-250 is taking over where the Jeep left off
