Yeah your right Will. I might get an hour or so early on Friday but Saturday's a meeting working day for Twin Oaks.
Pappy will have us all breaking wood and loading and stacking from dawn till dusk.

That fella just sure does like to see a man get an honest days work in let me tell ya. I never seen a man shame so many grown men into getting back to work on the quick time like he does. He won't say a word but he'll start to stacking and sweating and in about 10 seconds you see everyone throwing wood and breaking back once again. I tell ya it's priceless to watch it happen. You said last weekend to me a man couldn't pay to have as much fun as we do, and I've got to agree.
See ya at the farm. and bring your gloves this time. That splinter what went under your nail was sure enough funny to watch you pull out. Nothing worse then a splinter 3/4 of an inch under your nail to bring out the laughter.