My first and second bow and a sinew question.
The first is a little Ipe bow I made for my 4 y.o. daughter. I put a small piece of maple on the belly as a handle and to stiffen the bow a bit but it ended up with too much draw weight for her so I tillered it down to about 15# at full draw.
I ended up snapping it by over-drawing it. Prior to that it was a whippy little thing that could fling a 28" arrow about 150 feet. It snapped right in the middle so I took the two limbs and attched them to a new riser sort of like a take-down bow, but fixed.
The whole bow was backed with several layers of sinew.
It's pretty ugly right now, but nothing that a little bondo and Red Marine enamel won't cure (I kid)
The second is a Black locust/American Beech laminate with sinew back and a White Oak riser. I'm still tillering this and have a question about how many layers of sinew to apply and whether what I'm doing looks correct.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.