Last Sunday, I watched Steven Rinella's show MEAT EATER and he answered a similar viewer question about getting started. He said the number one thing to do was to hang out and hunt with more experienced hunters from your area. So, you are on the right track by taking up Hedge on his offer. For those of us who have been at it for a little while, these little acts of hospitality are what we need to do to help reverse the dwindling hunter numbers. I was introduced to one of my best hunting, fishing, trapping buddies by asking for help on a trapping forum a number of years back.
Also, watch about 4 episodes of Spong Bob Square Pants a day. If you are going after game with primitive gear, you need to tap into his over the top, glass-always-over-flowing, ridiculously sun shiny, against all reason optimism. Sometimes when you just hang out in the woods with high expectations of good things happening, you "luck" into situations and see things that you never would have guessed you would see in that area.
Good Luck!