Lol Blackhawk, i kinda thought you were joking, but i guess i'm just a little sensitive bout my new baby

Thanks PD, you sure nuff took me out on that limb, but at least you didn't leave me hangin

Appreciate all your encouragement and insight (and patience!) on this one!
Thanks Coaster, the work you been turning out made me hafta step up my game

Bevan: Thank you sir, and especially thank you for the rawhides! I doubt she'd have made it without 'em

Dave and Elk: appreciate the kind words, but it was due to the instruction and insight from all of you here that helped me git'r done!
Thanks Gun Doc, means a lot coming from you, and i really appreciate you passing on some of your wisdom and experience to this here newbie!
I'll spend my spare time getting her pertied up over the weekend, hope to have final pics by Monday. More bow porn