George n Pappy-- Believe me i learnd that lesson! Not that i didn't believe it to begin with, I just didn't realize what i was getting into i suppose. That said, I wanted a challenge and I got one!! the next will certainly be straightend before i go after it, need a little break from this brain strain!
I wonder, would our Native predecessors have straightened it, left it crooked, or added it to the brush pile?

Jawge-- thanks a bunch, it does help seeing those pics!
Guess what i'm suffering from is the curse of the board bows -- easy to lean on your eyes and such and don't have to be able to sense from feel so much.
I'll try to stop looking so hard and feel my way through

Fortunately, you have the best character bow builders around helping you. Good luck.
Aint that the truth!! Sure appreciate all of you