This was my first year with stone heads. Killed a nice fat little 8 point and was really suprized when the arrow went clean through from 15/18 yards. Entered just behind the last rib on the left side and came out between the right front leg and brisket. The deer collapsed in 60/65 yards.(within sight). I was shocked by the whole.
When I got home and got the buck skinned out and butchered, I was wondering about how that head just blew through that buck, so I wanted to try an experiment. I left the hide stretched out for 3 days (38 to 40 degrees daytime temps). It got pretty tough so I then put over a big styrofoam block and shot 2 arrows at it with both a 40# and 50# bow from 10 to 12 yards. The arrows were as follows:
erc 3/8" carrying a perdenales (cahokian) weight is 535 grains
birch 5/16" carrying a Zwickey eskimo...weight is 537 grains
I wasn't trying to duplicate a deer, I wanted to compare the stone to the steel. here's what happened......the stone head cut a bigger hole (more like a hole) and penetrated farther than stone. At 40# the stone went in 1/2" further than the Zwickey and at 50# the results were the same except the amount of difference was closer to 5/8"
The inside of the hide left clear evidence of a surgical "slice" VS a gapping hole. Here are the photo's so ya can see the difference. Just wanted ya to know that these hard-butt flint/chert heads are very very good at what they do......get to retire my Zwickeys
enjoy the picks and hope they might be of some use to y'all.