This morning the rawhide was good and hard again. The wood stove did its work.

I rasped the excess rawhide from the sides and belly and sanded the belly smooth...

After I got the belly cleaned up I decided to add a shoe leather handle riser. Being that this bow will bend in the handle I use the leather because it will flex with the bow. I may add another layer later after I shape the handle. Here is how I add the leather handle.
I first trace and cut out the shape...

I then taper both ends where it fades into the limb on my belt sander. It is a lot easier to do this before it is glued down...

Now it is time to add the glue to the leather and the bow. Note the void where the center pith was. The handle will cover this area. First I soak the leather in warm water to make it more pliable. I blot off the excess water and put the glue on it. I decided to use TBIII because of it's water proof qualities. When finally shaped I will saturate the leather with super glue.