Yea, Josh didn't catch the humor in that.

But, I've seen straight suckers out the top of horizontal branches before so there's hope. I'll for sure grab some if I see them. I'll also go to a much closer spot I've cut trees out of for a couple years and see if any suckers that are large enough came up from the stumps. Lastly, I saw an add in Craig's List this week for osage fence posts. >6" diameter corner posts = $6ea. < 6" posts = $3. <3" spreader posts = $2. Some of those little spreaders were real straight. I might go get some of them. I like the idea of somebody else doing the cutting.

All that to say I'm gonna take care of Josh.

My only question Josh is whether you're talking about full diameter of the pole or diameter of the heartwood? I've seen 2" osage posts down here with little or no heartwood.