Im with Pappy. You can see on both limbs where they are working much too hard, almost hinged. Im guessing thats where the tension failure happened.
I think I know what your talking about, in the picture on the tiller near the right limb tip? It looks like a hinge to me there, but everywhere else to my eye looks good. Could you make a MSpaint mark where you think it is bending too much, if it wouldn't be too much trouble? I think that it actually is kinda deceptive, due to the way the limb twists a bit and is not perfectly flat towards the tip. But it might be a hinge, I did not ketch it while I was tillering though. The tick/crack happened early on in the very middle of the limb, when I had just got the bow braced, and I didn't ketch that either till after having it fully tillered and shooting it.

So it might of gotten progressively worse. The bow is 66" tip to tip, the handle is around 8" or so, and the recurves are 3" or so maybe, and it does not pull over 45#. You guys really think this bow is over stressed for a 28" draw? I think my crappy picture might not be the best picture to go on, I will take a better quality one in a bit (maybe when my wife gets home) and see what you guys think...
You can try all of the above suggestions ,but I would save the snake skin until I had shot it a lot after the repair,to be honest I doubt it will hold. It is just in a really bad place,to much work at that point of the limb. 
Man that was looking sweet. 
Eh, it's no big deal. I don't have alot of experience with recurves, so I am still having alot of fun and getting a little bit better hang of it. I did lose faith and abuse this bow a bit, but that was way after I heard the mystery tick. I actually thought it was the overlays coming unglued until I found the crack. I think the back on this hackberry was actually quite thin from me harvesting it right after the new growth started growing in the summer. So I might of sanded the ring real thin, I've did that before...