WOW...i don't know what to say...THANKS is too easy. Brother, thank you for your offer! I will take you up on that! I work with a rock hound that gave me a piece of obsidian (sp?) becuz I wanna learn how to knapp! I'd like to get up your way sometime real soon! Once again, thanks!!! 
No biggie, watching somebody shoot the first arrow out of their first bow is one of life's great pleasures for me.

There's a corner in my shop with a tarp and about a half inch of flint shards on it where I knapp. I'm not very good, but I can make a point worth hunting with. I'm going out to the lease Friday and will take my new short osage bow and try to get my first deer with a stone point. I've killed lots of them with steel points but never stone. I'll PM you my contact info and address.
Cipriano is a flint magnet and a heck of nice guy. You must drive right by him on your way to hunt. I haven't met Cowboy yet, but not for the lack of trying.

He's hard as heck to keep in the state. You need to meet Patrick (aka jackcrafty). He taught me nearly all of what I know about flint knapping. He's down near Midland I think.
Do you hog hunt at all? I like that about as much or more as deer hunting. I'm always looking for company hog hunting if I head to the lease. Hopefully we can do some of that too.