Author Topic: Short draw ~ shortie advice.  (Read 1173 times)

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Offline Prarie Bowyer

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Short draw ~ shortie advice.
« on: January 10, 2012, 04:27:50 am »
Hey guys.

I havent touched the bench in months.  All our recent warm weather has had me thinking about getting in the kayak and shooting some fish!  I still need to make a shortie. 

At first I was set on a recureve design.  I also had the full draw in my head.  Then I learned that some Abo's made super short bows that had short draws like Indian horse bows, aparently only drawn to the rib.

So this got me to thinking about scrapping any plans I had and going back to square one.  Plain short bow with a short draw.  So the question is how short tip to tip and how deep (draw) is about as short as can be advised for bamboo backed hickory?

For instance if I wanted to go 48" tip to tip and get say 50-60 lbs, what sort of draw length should I be aiming for?

Also I was looking at Yumis and how the handle is so deeply offset.  How do they make up for that in the tillering?   Let the bottom bend more than the top?  I understand that they did it for mounted archery where you don't want that bottom tip gettign fouled on the ground, legs, or saddle.

I'm hoping to get massive squashes this year via carp fertalizer and smoke up a load of buffalo.  So i want a bow that is made for shooting in a seated position at the water level and into large fish.  Forget my other preconceptions.  Simple plain primitive bow with power to impale large fish.


I wish there were enough data to build a regression equation.