With the holidays I have barely stepped foot into my workshop, much less handled a bow for about a month. The past few days have happily changed that. I spent a couple hours yesterday shooting with a friend. He was happy to join me with his first bow.
Here I am shooting a Maple backed Black Cherry. This bow is light, only 30# draw weight, but was spitting out all my arrows with surprising speed, including the heavy 600+ grain arrows. It was also the most accurate bow, once again, no matter which arrow it was shooting.

I finished this bow in December but need to get a few more photos of it before posting it up.
Here are a couple of photos of my friend and "student" Ben. Every week 3 guys come over for a bow making class. This is Ben's first bow, a red oak board bow. 72" tip-to-tip, semi-rigid handle, 50#@28" and about 3/4" set. He still has to finish the wood and make a handle for it.

His bow shoots really great and fast. I can't be too bad of a teacher (and he's an excellent student!!) with these results

And finally, here's a shorty I just finished tillering and was trying to put a lot of arrows through it before committing to finishing it up. It's a 52" hickory that pulls about 46#@26". This is one of my first shorties but I think it came out pretty good. Took about 1-1/2" set, not bad IMHO.

Once these bows are "prettied up" I'll be posting them with better photos and more details.
Thanks for looking.