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osage moisture

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I have some osage that was cut 2 years ago and left along a road.  I split it into staves.  How long do you think it will take to get dry enough to start working.  I understand it will depend on size humidity and the suck, just trying to get some ball parks.


Pat B:
You can remove the bark and sapwood and seal the back and ends and can start on your staves tomorrow. Reduce it to floor tiller stage and store it in a warm dry area for a few weeks to a few months, depending on heat and humidity. You can strap it to a form with some reflex induced to aid in the final cast and to keep it from twisting while drying.       Pat

I work Osage all the time that is 2 years old or younger,Just in between workings I keep it in a hot box or over the AC duck in the house in the summer and by the gas heater in the winter.Like Pat said thin it down first and leave it a few days over the AC duck and then go to work.Osage
unlike Hickory don't take on as much moisture once it is dried out. :)

Justin Snyder:
Has it been raining on it for 2 months straight?  Justin

Justin not sure where that came from but nope. Its been very dry lately, until now that is were getting rain this week.


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