I got the whole bow to the dimensions I want, its about 1 1/2" tapered to 1/2", Theres a stiff handle and the rest is no thicker than 1/2" anywhere. I got astring, which is too long, which gives me a brace height thats really low, like 4". My problem is that I pull the bow maybe 12" past brace and its already at like 50# (estimate). I dont know what to do. How thick is too thick for osage to stop it from snapping? I'm working on tillering it down, but looking at other bows on this site, i feel like mine should be close, like the copper head osage that was just posted, his is wider and about the same thickness as far as I can tell. Theres kind of a question in there, but Im not sure what, so any advice is appreciated. Hoping to have it shooting tomorrow because its the last day I have to work on it for about a month