Work more outer and midlimb before you work on it near the handle (if at all). You can bring that stiff limb around without touching it inner limb near the handle. Remove wood starting in the middle of the limb and working out to toward the tip, removing less wood in the middle, more wood near the outer tip. A bows limb needs to be stiff near the inner part near the handle, which that limb clearly is. Which is a good thing, because now all you have to do is make the outer part of the limb not so stiff.

Thats the way I would look at it anyway. If you do get the stiff limb bending, and does look like the inner limb does need to work a bit, it usually will only take a quick swipe, just the smallest amount, to get it to work a bit more, at the middle of the bow near the handle in the most stressed part of the bow, so be careful. It would be a problem if the inner limb was
not stiff. Looking very good! I like pyrimid bows too!