Author Topic: prismatic blades  (Read 1164 times)

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Offline jpayne

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prismatic blades
« on: January 07, 2012, 04:39:51 pm »
Does anyone  ever use core and blade technology prismatic  blades,microlith? Im interested in the mesolithic  era right now and was looking for info,tips, anything  of that sort. Any help will be appreciated

Offline JackCrafty

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Re: prismatic blades
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2012, 05:07:58 am »
Some of the best videos on blade technolgy are made by "paleomanjim" on youtube.  Some of the guys from Europe have made good videos on the subject as well.

You mentioned microliths.  A google search (images as well as web) will reveal tons of articles and pictures.  Some archeologists get very exited about microliths to the point of being obsessed, even fanatical.  There is no shortage of info on the subject out there.

Any critter tastes good with enough butter on it.

Patrick Blank
Midland, Texas
Youtube: JackCrafty, Allergic Hobbit, Patrick Blank

Where's Rock? Public Waterways, Road Cuts, Landscape Supply, Knap-Ins.
How to Cook It?  200° for 24hrs then 275° to 500° for 4hrs (depending on type), Cool for 12hr