Main Discussion Area > Primitive Skills

Some mumblings and musings

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D. Tiller:
Never really had to deal with all that you guys have been going through.  I've pretty much always stuck with building and shooting my own wood bows. Tried once to shoot a compound bow and fealt it was so artificial I never touched one again.

Now for you guys that do have trouble with people being elitist when it comes to compound bows are fiberglass and such made bows. Ask them:

A) What happens if you break a string?
B) What happens if a cam breaks?
c) What do you do if an arrow bends and how much does it cost to replace it?


A) Need to take it to a pro to replace costing me $$$$.
b) See A
c) See A


That tends to get their attention!

David T


I agree with Dana...I guess I'm in it more for the challenge. I personally gear towards hunting with my bows, I know some folks just enjoy target shooting and that's great. I'm not into numbers when hunting, or I probably would be using a compound. I like the challenge of using a bow I made with my own hands, and having to get in there at close range for the shot. When you're successful hunting with selfbows, it means a lot more to me then just some meat for the freezer. But I also feel successful sitting in a stand on a frosty morning and watching the leaves fall and the wildlife going about their natural routine, and leave without loosing an arrow. ;)

ive stopped going to 3d shoots that arent traditionally orientated. i cant stand waiting to have someone stare at a target with binocs for 3 minuts trying to figure out where they are supposed to shoot. its in the same place it was last time!!!!!!!
especially seeing as they had ten minutes to do it when their 6 buddies where doing the same thing.

ive actually gotten more grief from some traditional glass and wood shooters than compounds as far as effectiveness of the equipment.
dane you'll get used to being the freak. i enjoy it. peace

LoL. I then look forward to my freekiness. And I know what you mean about standing around and waiting for the binocular scene - and I do know some of them use range finder glass, breaking the cardinal rule, of course.


Pat B:
I enjoy traditional 3D shoots. I always buy a score card to support the shoot but never keep score. I use these shoots to hone my hunting skills. I have found that when I did keep score, I worry about the score and couldn't concentrate on the shots. Also, there are times when a hit in the 12 ring would only wound the animal and a shot way out of the rings would be a clean kill.
  My phylosophy is similar to Greg's.  I feel if an animal comes close enough to where I could shoot him(or her) and they don't know I'm there, I have beat them at their game in their back yard. Thankfully that has been enough to satisfy me these last couple of years.  ;D  Maybe this year, after 3 years of hunting only with my home made equipment, I will score...but if not, I'll try again next year.     Pat


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