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Some mumblings and musings

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                         Hmm........I have ta agree with Jamie and Pat. I dont go ta 3D shoots anymore either fer the same reasons as Jamie. Also actually used ta get more grief from glass bow shooters than compounders. Used ta use em' like Pat ta hone skills fer huntin' season. Finally got tired of foks arguin' with me when in course of conversation when fact ya aint got 30 secs ta line up shot came up. Interestin' the more introspective compounders agreed that their weapon of choice was fer static shots when ya had time but not fer fast shots er at runnin' game. Some even said they were ok fer tree stands but they woulndt wanna carry them around stalkin er still huntin because of the weight. Always been considered "freaky" so I guess that never bothered me at all. LOL ! As the world turns ey ? ;D.....bob

I have never shot with sites, and I started with recurve and had to switch to compound when I hurt my shoulder when I had to draw very slowly on a buck at 12 yards with no cover, on the ground, to keep from spooking him. I have watched compound shooters who take "forever" to loose an arra (videos of course) and keep yelling " shoot shoot shoot". With no sites I am siting as I draw my arra back and loose when I reach my archor. Shooting at unknown yardages helps me feel the distance. I used to do alot of stump shooting while just walking around the woods, that was when I lived in Washington state as the stumps there were softer and not as hard as the maple stumps here. But still clump shot here. ;D


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