When I was 12 my dad got a job in Ottawa so we moved from our home in the country to a suburb on the Western end of Ottawa called Britannia. Right across the street from where we lived was a large undeveloped area, a conservation area I believe, that had a large field in it. Oddly enough in this field was a small flock of Quail. Coming from the country I was quite used to going out any time I felt like it with a bow hunting for small game and these Quail were like gifts from heaven. I remember going out and flinging arrows at them many times. They were smart and would never let me get very close them, you could see when they were getting nervous, so shots were more often than not fairly long. I never arrowed one but came close many times. Our neighbours must have wondered what I was doing going out with bow and arrows, I'm sure that if they had know I was hunting they would have called the cops. We were in Ottawa for 4 years and I have wondered whatever happened to them.