Great job with the youtube channel so far, jackcrafty! I'll keep up watching it! You are a fantastic craftsman, sir

And good luck getting a group together, fishfinder! Start small and go from there, sounds great!
Dag, and anyone else. definitely create a channel! (subscribes) We need to get the word out as much as we can that we're practicing this historic art of archery, and that it's a rewarding and fun art to study. Also, being transparent and putting out there our honest efforts is a great way to get feedback from other enthusiasts out there that we'd otherwise not be able to practice with in person.
Mark, that sounds excellent! I'd be especially interested in becoming certified in instruction (as I'm also interested in being certified and ranked in other historical martial arts) Would you like to help us form up rules for the (North) American Warbow Society? We will need to keep in touch with the EWBS and DWBS people and see what their basic format is, but there's no reason why we can't also have ideas and discussions about how to best ensure the safety of all practitioners and guests, and to avoid any potential legal disputes (I need to figure out how to do waiver forms!) in the states.
I propose that in the near future, we should get a group chat of some sort set up to discuss what we need to do form wise for the society/charter, what our group's purpose is all about, and basically anything we need to do in the next few months to get things going. Any ideas, feedback, advice, etc. would be welcome. I propose we try to do this on a monthly, or even biweekly basis if possible to start with.
Dag, jackcrafty, fishfinder, and Marz5, what do you think about that? I think between the five of us (am I leaving anyone out? feel free to chime in if I am) we could get a good discussion going to see what we could do.
Who would be interested in participating and what program would be best for this? Skype? Google chat? Something else?
I'm going to wait a couple weeks (going to be a busy month for me!), see if there's the interest and some sort of consensus of how to do this, and then I'll send an e-mail to those interested to try to set up a date/time to do this.