I got this sweet piece of lemonwood from James Parker and he figured it would make a real nice string follow style bow. I backed it with some madake bamboo I got from Jaap and put a Thai rosewood riser on it. I found a nice old Thai house post of this wood and it will be on many a bow riser in my future.
Hard thing about living overseas is having to cut my nice wood in half to get them in my duffel bag. Most time I use a sleeve system to get them back together and make take down bows but decided to try a fishtail spice on this.

67" long

cool bamboo spots

albino horn overlays

came out at 68# @ 29"

my roving buddy

Thanks for looking. Merry Christmas to everyone on PA from Randy in Thailand. Thanks James for the great piece of lemonwood and Jaap for the nice bamboo.