Author Topic: Questions concerning Rate of "fire" per minute  (Read 39160 times)

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Offline Ringeck85

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Re: Questions concerning Rate of "fire" per minute
« Reply #60 on: February 05, 2012, 02:56:33 am »
Another suggestion that's already been mentioned, is that maybe the archers wanted to fail in order to leave the ranks and go home.  It's not as if they all expected to win at Agincourt, they were outnumbered and tired from their retreat from the French.  I would imagine the temptation to desert would be high, but they'd need to find some sort of honorable excuse to do so.  That's if this "test" thing ever actually happened.  If I thought I was going to get ridden down by a French knight or die from dysentary, or in general not have such a fun time, I would think about desertion, just need to figure out a way to get away with it without being caught and hanged, or whatever the execution was for desertion for the English army back then.

The Duke of York having a cap on how many people can be in his elite unit of archers makes sense too, as far as can he afford them.
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(Ren', in Wytheville, VA)

Offline Ian.

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Re: Questions concerning Rate of "fire" per minute
« Reply #61 on: February 08, 2012, 01:13:52 pm »
Okay I have word form the Archives, seems a little much at £65. They broke it down into £13 per unit and there being 5 units contained in the file, and as before they are not willing to copy only the unit/page we need.

So if we are all happy to put this one on hold for now I will see about arranging a visit when I have the time; I cant promise this will be any time soon.

I will ask around and see if anyone I know lives closer to Kew than I.
ALways happy to help anyone get into heavy weight archery:

Offline CraigMBeckett

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Re: Questions concerning Rate of "fire" per minute
« Reply #62 on: February 08, 2012, 10:03:04 pm »
Okay I have word form the Archives, seems a little much at £65. They broke it down into £13 per unit and there being 5 units contained in the file, and as before they are not willing to copy only the unit/page we need.

So if we are all happy to put this one on hold for now I will see about arranging a visit when I have the time; I cant promise this will be any time soon.

I will ask around and see if anyone I know lives closer to Kew than I.


Thats a pity, but it is only what I expected, coming from Australia where the government charges you for almost everything I doesn't surprise me.

We have waited a long time for this so wating for a wgile longer will not hurt, its a pity I don't know anyone who lives in the area but my aquaintances are from Wales and the Midlands, will have to talk to them and see if anyone is heading to London in the near future.
