so i m wanting to make an osage bow for one of my brothers.
he is 6'4" tall and has a 32" draw.
he typically shoots a 60# bow.
i have a stick of osage i started on.
its 68" long.
one end was fairly narrow once i got done past all the bore tunnels.
the last 17" or so is just slightly less than 1 3/8" wide.
with a bit of snakyness.
think i can pull this on off 60# @ 32"
that same end also deflexes quite a bit.
the other end reflexes as much.
thought i would heat and reflex the narrow end to match the other end.
first pic is the narrow end

again the narrow end. the ruler starts about where the stick starts being right at 1 3/8"wide.

here you can get an idea of the deflex on the narrow end.

and the reflex on the other end.

any suggestions on how to proceed would be appreciated
heaviest weight bow i have made so far was about 52#
sure would like to sneak up on a 60# bow this time.