Here is some christmas cheer for my good old friend Chad. He is new to stickbows and the only requirement he set out for me was to make sure it could take a deer

and so i thought he could use a shorter bow for use from a stand or tight brush. I have a large 60 inch piece of white oak 2.5 x 6 and after my first failed slat bow and a span of 6 months or so, i thought it was time to fire up the bandsaw and try again.
59 1/2 tip to tip, 58 ntn, 55 lbs at 26", it is 2 1/8 wide at the widest, tapering to 1 1/2 sweeping to 1/2 inch about 7inches from the tip, jussst over 1/4 inch at the tip. it bends just a tad through the handle, feelin it at about 20 inches. i just finished my 4th round of sanding and have shot it about 60 times. i am going to wrap the ends of the rawhide with superglue soaked string to make sure they dont lift. I added a thin red oak lam an a layer of superglue soaked leather to the handle to thicken/stiffen it up. still deciding on the final handle job and finish coats, i will deal with that tomorrow