My buddy and I were out scouting/squirrel hunting this morning, not realy being quiet or careful or anything, mostly just looking for places to deer hunt. We stopped in a hardwood bottom and were looking around and talking about places to build a blind when we heard something moving in the leaves. We assumed it was a squirrel or something so we stood with out .22s still slung over our shoulders and watched with out hands in our pockets. About 5 seconds later we saw the 3 does picking their way through the brush. Now I have no idea how they didn't see/hear/smell us far before that. We wernt being exactly stealthy. Anyway we drew out pistols. When we hunt we our handguns, I carry a Heckler and Koch HK45, 45acp, and he carrys a much better suited ruger blackhawk 357. The ole girl stopped broad side, leg forward and stood for a good 30 seconds before she busted us and ran. She was at about 30 yards, and we both set our personal range limit for the handguns at 20. I could have hit her where it counted, I'm confident of that, but I don't trust my 45 to have enough penetration past 20 yards. His 357, on the other hand, would have had plenty of power, but he isn't confident in his shot placement past 20.
Now keep in mind neither of us have killed a deer in like 7 years, so passing up an oportunity is a big deal for us lol. But it feels good to know we made the responsible decission. Showing descression is what sepperates a good hunter from the rest of the clowns we share the woods with.