I think many deer recover after being hit with an poorly placed shot. I have seen deer later in the season that I hit but did not kill. Many deer bed down and bleeding stops then healing begins. If we put pressure on the deer I would think they would be pushed further and the stress could prevent them from recovering. They might die out of radio range. I am a ham radio operater and I can tell you a a small transmitter of that size has very limited application. There are other factors to consider with this as well for example weather, hills will block signals, batteries need to be strong all the time, the stronger the output the shorter the battery life will be. The best way to do this would be for the transmitter to send a GPS location but the deer would have to die so the antenna could could see satellites. I don't see this idea working well do to the scale. Another question is do we want transmiters in deer that don't die. I don't want to be field dressing a deer and find batteries corroded in a deer I just harvested. Dogs yes! Because coyotes will be doing the same thing.