Toomanyknots I’m with you but just what I hear

Blackhawk if the crack is ok in the middle of the limb I could get rid of two of the knots because the other end of the stave is pristine? Knot #3 would be the only one in the bow.
George I not sure how dry it was or is and I’m not sure if the crack was already there or opened up when I went to work on it. I sealed it back up and I’ll decide what to do later.
Art most of the sapwood was removed but I still don’t know when it cracked. I’ll reduce it closer to bow dimensions and let it dry in my man closet drying racks

Matt if I start from the other end I will only have knot #3 to deal with and I will center it in the limb as you suggest.
Hey Brock, you’re right tons of good info here and in a pm or two from a bcbull…. The little Yew bow is coming along nice. I”m still trying to decide if I want to sinew it or not. Just glued some walnut burl tip on it and shot it a bit today. Shoots pretty good like it is? We’ll see??? For now it’s keeping the Osage stave company in my drying racks