Yesterday a friend and I headed to the lease for a deer hunt after church. It's late in the season and I need some venison in the freezer so I didn't even take a bow. We got caught in some bad traffic enroute and arrived late. It had rained so much that we didn't chance taking the golf carts out and instead each picked a stand close enough to camp to walk to. I got dressed a little slower than Johnny so he headed out first. A couple minutes later I got my act together and stated walking. I was going to go the opposite direction. As I cleared the RV in camp I noticed a deer standing over by the road Johnny had just walked. I couldn't believe it was really there, and a buck at that. I moved to put some cover between us, put the shooting sticks up, he walked out into the open and I shot him. Less than 5 minutes from leaving to deer down. Here you can see the buck where he fell with camp behind him. I was standing just to the left of that RV.

He's a 9pt, 130lbs live weight, my nicest Texas buck to date. A half hour later Johnny got his own buck, a nice young 7 pointer.

It was a great, though short hunt. The lease got a couple more inches of rain over night along with some snow, so we hunted this morning, seeing nothing and made a muddy, sloppy exit. Johnny had never butchered his own deer so we knocked that out after we got home. Great fun. My deer is quartered and in the refrigerator. Life is good.