I leave this here because although I've not lately I have posted here for over a decade and made friends, also not currently present, who will pass by and find interest.
For those unfamiliar I've fought cancer the last nearly 4 years and now I'm finally on my death bed, evidently pushing what is natural by fair measure. The drill here is you get good pain killers and drugs (to keep me crawling out my skin w/ anxiety) until you succum to dehydration. Takes 3 to 5 days. So, here I sit waiting for the wreaper.
I love all of you. Mostly because we've become familiar over the net, friends, shared some of our lives' intimacies but also because "no man is an island..." Another, the other poem I know is named "anyone lived in a little how down: by e e cummings, even if you don't "get" poetry.
There may be other posts at other sites, perhaps from me God willing, if not from my wife so you'll know when the end has come. Fear of dying I have little anxiety, to not breath I have great anxiety which I will combat with drugs. I will remain awake if I can.
I know I've left enemies, but not by spite or malice. All of you please accept my apology, even if from my death bed.