Want to share this special feeling about my first bow - seen earlier in this forum. Kinda like a cherry on a hot fudge sundae.
I did get my issue of the magazine in the mail today, and what a surprise and pleasant feeling - even after Curtis Keller's heads-up. They (PA) gave me a Runner-up spread just like a Winner's spread - never expected that. Nice comments from Ol' Bow and others; and GordonF, bless his heart, even wanted to give me his award. No way, Gordon my friend, but what a nice gesture. You are a Winner in lots more ways than just with bows. Thank you Primitive Archer, for your fine magazine, the ongoing competitions, and for my Special Mention.
With any luck, I will return with other bows I make, and real soon I will post pics of a sister bow made by my mentor Mike and finished by me (just for show and tell). I think you'll like it.