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  • John Jaeger's Memorial School of the Ranger: January 27, 2012 - January 29, 2012

Author Topic: John Jaeger's Memorial School of the Ranger Maryland  (Read 3624 times)

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Offline Calendargirl

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John Jaeger's Memorial School of the Ranger Maryland
« on: November 30, 2011, 04:07:55 pm »
January 27-29, 2012
(Snow date February 3-5, 2012)
2012 School of the Ranger
The School of the Ranger, to be held at Fort Frederick, MD, open to anyone interested but preregistration is required! Classes begin at 1:00 pm on Friday, January 27, and end at 12:00 pm on Sunday 29 January 29, 2012. Space is limited to 50 students so register early to ensure your place!  Cost is $48.00 if you preregister by January 2, 2012 / $58.00 after January 2, 2012.  Cost includes 12 classes plus meals - Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast.

Tentative Schedule of Classes :
0730-1245   Arrival/Occupy Barracks   All   Barracks, Ft Frederick
1245   Welcome/Opening Remarks   Mark Ulrich   Visitor Center (VC)
1300   18th Century Knives and Hawks   Bruce Roberts   VC
1400   Bullet Molding and Cartridge Making   Tom Flynn   VC
1515   Break   All   VC
1530   Natives Customs/Interaction with Colonists    T'Poku Temmeu   VC
1630   Making Cordage/Trade with Natives   Elizabeth Huxford   VC
1740   Recover to Barracks/Free Time   All   Barracks, Ft Frederick
1800   Dinner    All   Barracks, Ft Frederick
1930   No-Host Social   All   Fort Area
0800   Breakfast   All   Barracks, Ft Frederick
0900   Ranger Packs and Essential Gear for the Trail   Bill Johnson   VC
1000   Ranger Patrol Skills-Roger’s Rules for Ranging   Bob Staby   VC/Outdoors
1120   Manual of Arms Training   All   Parade Grounds
1200   Lunch   All   VC
1300   Making Moccasins/Leggings   Mickey Davis   VC
1400   Making Ice Creepers/Snow Shoes   Bill Fuentes   VC
1500   Break    All   VC
1515   Know Your Enemy   Mark Helba   VC
1545   Scouts and Reconnaissance   Chuck Anderson   VC/Outdoors
1645   Reconnaissance Map Making   Timothy Green   VC/Outdoors
1745   Recover to Barracks/Free Time   All   Barracks, Ft Frederick
1800   Dinner w/Guest Speaker:  Robert Albrecht, speaking on “Andreas Albrecht- the Prominent Early Colonial Moravian Gun Maker in Central PA.”   VC
8:00   Breakfast   All   Unit
9:00   Live Fire on Range   All   Rifle Range
11:45   Closing Remarks/AAR   All   VC
12:00   ENDEX   All   Travel

Send your name, address and telephone number, with your check to:

Fort Frederick State Park
c/o 2012 SOR
11100 Fort Frederick Road
Big Pool, Maryland 21711

Make check payable to “Friends of Fort Frederick State Park”.
Note ‘SOR’ in the memo section on the check.
Contact Mark Ulrich for any questions at
(571) 276-4621
You shouldn't grow a wishbone where your backbone should be.