Amber Jack is excellent smoked also! Snook, and snappers, Red, Hog, lane, vermillion, etc. Yep, Silver, and black mullet. They taste quite yummy! My Cousin and I went fishing once, and caught a bunch of finger mullet for bait, and we caught absolutely nothing. So I told him to just take them on home and freeze them, and we'd use them for bait later. He said to heck with that, he was hungry for fish, and told me to hang around for awhile, and he would cook them. I said not much to cook. He said, not on each one, but there are a whole lot of them. So we started to filet them, well we actually scaled them, and then just sliced off the sides, and , and drug them them through a 50/50 mix of corn meal, and flour, and cajun season, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt and pepper, and then deep fried them, and man, talk about good! A little squeeze of fresh lime juice, and it just doesn't get much better!

I don't put the mullet I have left over, in the future bait category anymore, unless they have been out awhile.

Dang, now I am hungry again. Gonna have to slip over to Mullet's and mooch another meal, and beer, under the clever guise of trying to learn to knapp.

I am going to make two arrows for my Buddy's Brother's Boss, who has prostate cancer and is into primitive stuff, and artifacts. I want to make one normal, and one all paleo, with a Cherokee two fletch, they both will be cane arrows with Obsidian heads, so I will need his guidance.......and something to eat and drink.......probably.......

I guess I could stop and get some beer.....
Or maybe spring for lunch at the Mexican Resturaunt, and get my Chile Verde'. Now that is GOOD also!

Dang, now I am going to have to have a beer, and get the sharp cheddar, and pepperoni out now. Even though, I had baby back ribs, and Cajun garlic shrimp for lunch, and then after going to the Circus with some friends, we went to a sports bar, and had wings, and "a" beer, and then an unsweetened iced tea with lime......and I have left overs that my Friends couldn't finish, in the refrigerator, I think a light snack of cheese and no nitrates pepperoni slices, and a nice cold Miller light will do nicely, before I go to bed and read for awhile. Dang, that is what I am going to have to do then. Hey how about no more food talk after ten?
