Thanks Ken. I glued on some mesquite overlays, thinned the tips a bit, and recut the string grooves. Needs sanding, but here's what one of the tips looks like.

Here's the other side, showing the split that runs in from the limb tip You can see it through the sinew in the picture above. It opened up when I was working it so I superglued and clamped it.

The bow also has a knot hole that pulled out when I hogged some wood off the belly. I left it untouched. It is right in the hardest working part of the limb and the limb bends right through it. The limb is 1" wide at that point, the widest point in the bow. On the back, that knot looked like any other pin knot. On the belly it's pretty nasty looking.

The other working limb is narrower, 7/8", about the size of my index finger.

The handle is 3/4". This is by far the lightest bow I've ever made. Right now it weighs in at 11oz on the dot. It'll put on some weight with the finish, handle wrap and backing. Might put a couple arrows through it tomorrow after work, shooting off my hand.